Miss the turns on your terms!

Use real dates, find interesting places, book hotels with ease.

Dates, distances and directions

Always wanted to travel across US but were not sure if you have enough time for that? Did you ever try to figure out how long it takes to drive from Yosemite to Yellowstone or from Lisbon to Rome?

Start clicking on the map. Choose your destination and have Furkot calculate how much time you need to get there. Set daily limits on the travel time so none of your sightseeing has to be done under moonlight — unless, of course, that's what you want.

Don't worry about putting stops in order. Furkot attempts to plan a route for your trip in the most efficient way. If you don't want efficient, you can drag your stops around or even reverse your itinerary.

Tell us how long you want to drive every day, and we will show you where to stop for the night Furkot suggests overnight stops along the route based on your schedule and preferences.

Furkot can help you with all your travel plans: a day trip, a weekend getaway, or a continent-crossing road trip. And driving is not the only option. You can also schedule motorcycle rides, biking excursions and walking tours with Furkot.

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Trip map

It's not just about driving

It's also about all the things you do on the way. Leave your car parked for a couple of hours and hike one of the trails from the vast Everytrail collection.

Need some hints? Make sure to check interesting places described on Wikipedia. They are one click away from ending up on your road trip stop list.

If your car resembles ours you can't drive on water, but Furkot will route you to the closest dry land point for those spots that do require a boat ride. You can drive and dive with Furkot.

Are you after fresh powder? Or maybe shredding corduroy is your thing? Trees or bowls? Skis or snowboard? Regardless of the answer, you can use Furkot to find ski resorts — courtesy of Liftopia.

You can even plan meal stops and add gas stations to your itinerary. Not to mention biking paths, museums, monuments, climbing routes, national parks, scenic views — add as many as you want. Furkot will keep you on track. You just need to show up.

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Attractions search

Campgrounds? Motels? Hotels? Staying with friends?

Whatever your lodging preference is — hotel, campground, apartment — Furkot will show you scores of accommodations on the map and will help you find the perfect place for every night of your trip.

Furkot makes it easy to decide which hotels offer the best combination of cost, amenities and convenient location. Whenever available, Furkot displays exactly what you are going to pay (including taxes and service fees). You are in charge of what they charge.

When you are ready to book, Furkot will take you directly to your favorite booking site and pre-fill the check-in and check-out dates so that you don't have to worry about reserving that hard found lodging on the wrong night.

Booking all hotels for your trip can be a daunting experience: multiple cities, multiple booking sites and many dates and details to mistype? Let Furkot help with that. We will take you through the whole process page by page and hotel by hotel. All you need to do is to keep pressing Next until you are Done.

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Lodging search

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