Create a new trip or sign in to see your trips.
When you finish adding places to your trip, go to Furkot to complete your trip itinerary, view route on the map, find more attractions and lodging options.
Create a new trip or sign in to see your trips.
When you finish adding places to your trip, go to Furkot to complete your trip itinerary, view route on the map, find more attractions and lodging options.
To continue you must consent to Furkot Terms and Conditions of Use and agree to accept any responsibility or liability for your use of the information provided by Furkot.
To complete exporting your trip, copy the link below and open it in Safari.
You can add stops, change the route, or adjust dates.
Do you want to modify your trip before exporting?
Select a file to import
Could not find any stops in this file. Try selecting another one.
Unsupported file type. You can import trips from KML, GPX, and CSV files.The file is too large. File size limit for all types is 8MB.This file is taking too long to analyze.Furkot no longer has information from this file. Choose the file to import it again.Invalid CSV file. Supported CSV formats are Garmin Custom POI files and files with at least a name and either an address or lat and lon columns. Invalid CSV file. Enclose fields with commas in double-quotes ".Invalid GPX file. GPX schema 1.1 is supported. Proprietary extensions are ignored.Invalid KML file. Supported KML elements are Placemark and LineString.Invalid KMZ file.The URL doesn't serve KML, GPX, or CSV data or requires a sign on. Try opening the URL directly in the browser and import the downloaded file.
Please wait while Furkot is preparing your trip…You can import trips from KML, GPX, and CSV files.
You can import places from KML, GPX, and CSV files.
Supported KML elements are Placemark and LineString.
GPX schema 1.1 is supported. Proprietary extensions are ignored.
If the selected GPX file contains waypoints, routes and tracks, the routes are ignored.
Supported CSV formats are Garmin Custom POI file and files with at least name and either address or lat and lon columns. Enclose fields with commas in double-quotes ".
File size limit for all types is 8MB.
Already included in this trip:
Do you want to add to this trip anyway?
Sign up to share your trip with friends and to access it from other computers and browsers.
Let people inspire you. They will see your trip and suggest places but only you can add stops to it. They will know where you are planning to go but not when.
Click Ask Around button to preview how others will see your trip. You will be able to select how you want to share on the next page.
Invite selected friends to help you plan road trip.
They will have full access to the trip, will be able to add, remove, and modify stops, the same way you do. Or you can let them view the trip without ability to change it.
Show off your trip. People will see your trip but they will not be able to modify it. They will know where you are planning to go but not when.
Click Publish button to preview how others will see your trip. You will be able to select how you want to share on the next page.
This trip is owned by .This trip is owned by somebody else.
Once you remove yourself, you will no longer be able to access this trip.
Are you sure want to remove yourself from this trip?
will become the new owner of this trip.
Are you sure you want to change this trip owner?
Looks like this invitation is no longer valid.
You may want to e-mail your friend to send you a new invitation.
You can share your trip with others.
Invite friends and fellow travelers to help planning your trip. Ask for advice and let people inspire you. Show off your trip to friends or share with Furkot community.
Click the share button and choose how you want to share your trip.
Ask for advice and let people inspire you.
Invite friends and fellow travelers to help planning your trip.
Show off your trip to friends or share with Furkot community.
If you want Furkot to guide you again use the button above
Do you want to change the starting point?
You can also allow subsequent changes of the starting point if you don't want to see this message again.
Do you want to change the starting point?
You can also allow subsequent changes of the starting point if you don't want to see this message again.
Do you want to change the trip end?
You can also allow subsequent changes of the trip end if you don't want to see this message again.
Do you want to change the trip end?
You can also allow subsequent changes of the trip end if you don't want to see this message again.
Are you sure you want to delete this stop?
This stop represents a confirmed booking. You should cancel the booking before deleting it.
Are you sure you want to delete this stop?
This is an automatically scheduled overnight stop. It will disappear when you add your own lodging stop before it.
If you want to travel longer on this day you can change its Start a Day or End a Day times.
If you don't want Furkot to schedule overnight stops for your trip, set the End a Day to the same time as the Start a Day in the Trip drawer.
This is an automatically scheduled overnight stop. It will disappear when you add your own lodging stop before it.
If you want to travel longer on this day you can change its daily travel time or mileage limits.
If you don't want Furkot to schedule overnight stops for your trip, clear daily travel time and mileage limits in the Trip drawer.
This is an automatically scheduled overnight stop. It will disappear when you add your own lodging stop before it.
If you want to travel longer on this day you can change the Finish Trip date and time. Or you can clear the Finish Trip date and let Furkot calculate when you arrive at your destination.
This is an automatically scheduled overnight stop. It will disappear when you add your own lodging stop before it.
If you want to travel longer on this day you can change the fixed Arrival date and time.
This is an automatically scheduled overnight stop. It will disappear when you add your own lodging stop before it.
If you want to travel longer on this day you can cancel the booking and remove confirmation.
This is an automatically scheduled airport. It will disappear when you add an airport before or after it.
Alternatively you can change the travel mode for this route if you don't want Furkot to schedule airports.
This stop represents a confirmed booking. You should cancel the booking before skipping it.
Are you sure you want to skip this stop?
This trip has no overnight stops to book lodging accommodations for. Booking hotels for the trip works best when you plan your itinerary first.
Add some overnight stops, pick hotels for them and then use the book button to let Furkot assist you with reservations.
All future lodging accommodations for this trip are already booked.
If you plan more overnight stops, add them to the trip now and use the book button to let Furkot assist you with reservations.
This is an automatically scheduled refueling stop. It will disappear when you add a filling station before it.
You can control frequency of refueling stops by changing the driving range. You can also disable automatic scheduling of refueling stops.
Furkot would like to synchronize your trip plan with your TripIt itinerary.
Do you want to proceed?
If your Furkot trip plan already includes all the stops corresponding to the lodging confirmations in your TripIt itinerary, cancel this operation and ensure that the dates and addresses of your stops are the same in TripIt and Furkot before synchronizing again.
At least one lodging confirmation in your TripIt itinerary cannot synchronize automatically. You can review and add it to a stop using the match button.
If you prefer to review lodging confirmations from your TripIt itinerary before adding them to stops cancel this operation and use the match button.
Furkot needs access to your location to determine the city of departure.
Furkot cannot obtain your location to determine the city of departure.
This trip is now ready for offline access.
When you open this trip on any computer, phone or tablet, Furkot will cache it locally.
You will not need Internet connection to access this trip.
This trip will no longer be cached locally for offline access.
You will need Internet connection to access this trip.
Are you sure you want to delete this trip?
This trip is shared by other people.
Once you delete it nobody will be able to access it.
Are you sure you want to delete this trip?
Do you want to delete all planned refueling stops?
All refueling stations for this trip are now planned.
Refueling stations not found near one or more automatically scheduled refueling stops.
Review newly scheduled overnight lodging stops before trying to plan refueling stations again.